The Journey's Inception:

On a seemly average day when Ivory was seventeen years old a very special English teacher shared a musical selection with her class. The piece was Loreena McKennitt’s musical recreation of the Victorian ballad Lady of Shalott by Lord Alfred Tennyson. From that moment, Ivory was forever changed.

She was enthralled by the internationally derived sounds of Loreena’s music and specifically the ethereal textures of the harp. Unable to satisfy her interest passively, nearly two years later Ivory started taking harp lessons as a personal hobby. Around eight months after beginning her studies, Hurricane Katrina happened. Displaced from home, university and teacher, Ivory's harpistry trailed off into non-existence.

Five years later as the president of the University of New Orleans International Student Organization, Ivory was responsible for hosting the institutions largest annual student production International Night which showcases our local and international student body’s unique flair through musical and dance performances, cultural exhibits, a full-service world cuisine buffet, fashion show and much more for 800+ guests and participants. As custom would have it, all presidents participate by performing in the showcase. With a month and a half left before International Night 2010: A Symphony of Cultures was to debut, Event Maestro Ivory envisioned taking the stage as a harpist and she bravely did.

Four years after that monumental event, Ivory earned her Bachelor of the Arts degree in Music Studies graduating as the first harpist from the University of New Orleans.


For many years since, Ivory has primarily lived in New Orleans dreaming of finding her true home abroad where she could invest in her artistry completely. While still in New Orleans, Ivory chose to spend most of her personal time developing her art and employing the latest advances in technology in effort to share her craft globally, all the while collaborating with similarly passionate and creative Artists locally and from around-the-world.

Recently, from the autumn of 2023 to the winter of 2024, Ivory found herself in the Raleigh, North Carolina area following the unfolding tapestry of life, the progress towards fulfilling one's dreams, and a shared journey with her partner. This place is quite foreign to the knowns of the familiar--the geographic variations, the plentiful amenities and clean topography--it is both fascinating and remote. 

In this Eastern locale, she had chance musical encounters which broadened her perspectives, investigated new physical landscapes, and discovered more of herself in the process. All the while continuing the adventure of life accompanied by her partner--the most interesting traveler she has ever known.

Come spring, Ivory returned to the city of New Orleans to begin sharing what she has learned with a new landscape of people and students. Currently, she is working on new music, and teaching piano and other instruments at The Octave School of music in Metairie, Louisiana.


Encompassing all, Ivory's greatest desire is to align herself with the most cosmically profound souls found along her travels to create a better world through their combined manifestations. 

Words to Live by:

“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”   Steve Jobs



  • New Orleans Chapter of the American Harp Society, President 2014-2015
  • Northshore Chapter of the American Harp Society, Treasurer 2013-2015
  • New Orleans Chapter of the American Harp Society, Treasurer 2012-2014
  • Anne Adams National Harp Competition 2014, site Host, University of New Orleans & American Harp Society Liaison, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • 41st American Harp Association National Conference, Assistant to the Chair & Co-host 2011-2014; Creator/Host of the discussion panel “Composers Without Borders”, Hospitality Chair, International Artist Liaison, and so much more.
  • New Orleans Chapter of the American Harp Society, Secretary 2011-2012
  • University of New Orleans International Student Organization, President 2009-2010
  • University of New Orleans International Student Organization: International Night; Artist Liaison, Public Relations, Volunteer Coordinator, Set Design 2007-2009

For more roles and details see; Networking tab.