Has it really been a year?

It really has been a year since I last posted, to the day even! I giggle at the events that played out the evening of the second to last post.. The origin of the photo below and its aftermath. I cannot be bothered to read the contents. Instead, I ponder how I have never been the same again since that evening. Yet, all the stories within are for a more intimate conversation. 

It is hard for me to recognize the Ivory of a year ago, especially when the Ivory from just over a couple months ago is like a figment in a dream. Change was definitely coming. Certain things foreseen, some completely blindsided me. Evolution hardly manifests from comfort. And it is my passion to become. So I shall endure the process, live the spectrum, fulfill my destiny. 

A gift to my progression are dance classes for my birthday. I truly believe this to be a perfect outlet for discovering parts of myself, to formally begin to work on my physicality, and as a way to further illuminate my art. To dance for myself, to dance with another, to dance with Athena.. Plus, it is going to be incredibly sexy! 

Working on the Kushiel Legacy Project with Christy has been an incredibly rejuvenating experience. I seriously was almost in tears Thursday (23rd) on the stage at the University of New Orleans midway through my entire day spent working on the project because I was so present, so focused, so happy to be doing what I was doing.. If I could make creating and doing beautiful things like that more or all of my life, I can only imagine what sort of Ivory would become from such soulful manifestations. 

He said to write what makes me happy on my white boards. I shall, yet presently upon my website wall I state with a beaming countenance this desire to create, to arouse, to inspire, to reveal truths.. Nothing pleases me more than another Special to share it all with for I know my profound existence is not lost on you-rather found. 

I wonder what the next chapter holds..  

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